For Your Home: 34 Remedy Kit
For Your Home: 34 Remedy Kit
The complete selection of commonly used remedies to start your home kit off with a flying start!
Contains all the remedies in the For Your Home Collection. Your choice of 5 or 10 ml pillules.
Comes with basic keynotes for each remedy
Aconite, Apis, Arnica, Arsenicum
Belladonna, Bryonia
Calc carb, Calendula, Cantharis, Carbo veg, Causticum, Cina
Ferrum phos
Hepar sulph, Hypericum
Ignatia, Ipecac
Kali bich
Lachesis, Ledum, Lycopodium
Mag phos, Merc sol,
Nat mur, Nux vomica
Phosphorus, Pulsatilla
Rhus tox, Ruta grav
Sepia, Silica, Staphysagria and Sulphur
This product ships within New Zealand only. Please contact us for overseas shipping rates.
Pillules vs Drops vs Spray
Pillules vs Drops vs Spray
A homeopathic remedy can be delivered via many forms. We offer the following:
Pillules - our pillules are organic pharmaceutical grade sucrose. They are dairy and gluten free.
Drops and Spray - The liquid remedies are made with an alcohol base for preservative and top quality spring water.
We recommend the spray lid for easier dispensing for babies and the elderly or even after surgery.
Pillules - one dose equals one pillule dissolved in the mouth
Drops - one dose equals 4 drops straight into the mouth or in a spoonful of water
Spray - one dose equals 2 sprays straight into the mouth
Please let us know if you need more guidance around dosage or consult your homeopath.
We recognize you may need your remedies as quickly as possible. We endeavour to ship all orders before 3pm on the same day.
Domestic (Within New Zealand)
We use overnight targeted delivery courier on all our domestic parcels.
If you are rural delivery, the targeted time is up to 3 days for courier.
All international orders are shipped using DHL Express with targeted delivery of 1-2 days.
Rates are calculated at checkout.